Pineapple Passion

Hello lovelies!
I am one of those people who is crazy about pineapple. Pineapples are one of my favorite fruits and I think pineapple fashion is awesome! Today, I was feeling inspired an created 3 different summer fashion looks featuring pineapple print. Please let me know if you enjoyed any of these looks. Have a great day everyone. Pineapple Passion
Larisa Rose

Tea for Two

Hello lovelies!
As a member of a sorority, I am always thinking of new sisterhood events for all of us to take part in. One of my latest ideas was to host a tea party for the the members of my sorority. I believe that a tea party would be an awesome way for all of to bond.  This idea inspired me to create a couple of outfits that I would wear to a tea party. I love huge floppy hats and a tea party would be the perfect opportunity to wear one. I hope you enjoy my two creations below.
Tea for Two
Feel free to create your own tea party inspired Polyvore set and link it in the comment section below for me to check it out!
Larisa Rose

Music Festival Outfit – Polyvore

Hello lovelies!
Today I decided to create a Polyvore account. This site is amazing. If you don’t already know what Polyvore is, it is essentially a site where anyone can piece together their dream outfit. My first outfit I created was one that I would wear to a music festival. Music festivals are outdoors where it can get hot under the sun. I decided that a crop top and skater skirt would be the best choice for style and comfort. Then, I accessorized this combo with sunglasses, a denim vest, and pastel pink combat boots. The combat boots will ensure that the feet don’t get too hurt from the people that will inevitably step on. I hope you enjoy! Leave some feedback in the comment section below.

Music Festival

Forever 21 crop tank

Forever 21 skirt

Larisa Rose

5 Tips for Surviving Finals Week

Hello lovelies!

As the spring semester rapidly begins to end, I cannot help but to feel the pressure and stress of the dreaded finals week. The chances are that those two words immediately struck fear into your heart. All of the memes in the slideshow below accurately portray all my bitter feelings towards finals week.

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As a student completing her second year of college, I have become a pro of successfully defeating my finals. I have learned several tips that keep me (mostly) sane during finals week while looking presentable. I believe that a student who tries to look nice for class is dressed for success. If you look and feel good, you will feel confident enough to vanquish finals. Continue reading to find out how I survive finals week…

1. A simple hair style

Messy bun, high pony tail, braid, half up half down, whatever. Just make sure your hair is out of your eyes and face during finals because it will be easier for you to concentrate without hair in your face. Check out Zoella, one of my favorite YouTubers, to find some easy hairstyles.

2. Light make-up

Simply apply your favorite BB cream, concealer, powder, blush, think stroke of eyeliner, neutral eyeshadow and apply 2 coats of mascara. Voila! You are now ready to go ace your final in under 15 minutes.

My light finals makeup

3. Pick your outfit out the night before

Don’t be rushing around before your 8 AM final trying to put together an outfit. Make the start of your day less stressful  with having an outfit ready to go the moment you wake up to ace that final.

4. Treat yourself to “beauty breaks”

Give yourself a manicure, pedicure, or a facial mask. These will allow you to take a break and relax. One of my favorite facial masks is supposed to help you destress so I would recommend you try Freeman Feeling Beautiful’s Facial Anti-Stress Mask. It’s soothing and helps me relax during my study breaks.

5. Work out for at least 30 minutes every day

I try to go to the gym even more when it is finals week because it helps me relieve stress. Even a brisk walk or jog is enough to relieve some of the stress and give you a boost of energy.

Some positive graffiti that I found on my late night trip to the library last night. Definitely helped me stay more positive.

Some positive graffiti that I found on my late night trip to the library last night.

Following all of these tips should help you feel good inside and out during finals week. Remember to stay positive and try your best on all of your finals. It is only one week of the semester and once you get past it, it is summertime! Good luck on all of your finals – I believe in you! I will leave you with the wise words of one of my role models, inspirations, and fellow INFP, Audrey Hepburn.



Larisa Rose

All About “To Tommy From Zooey”

Hello lovelies! It is no secret that I adore everything about Zooey Deschanel. Her quirky, down-to-earth personality combined with a fantastic fashion sense is enough to captivate anyone. However, this singer/actress/blogger is adding another job to her resume: fashion designer. In case you missed the news, Zooey Deschanel recently released her own fashion line exclusively available through Tommy Hilfiger entitled To Tommy From Zooey.

To Tommy From Zooey

All of social media has been buzzing about it for a week now. Zooey’s fashion line features a series of chic nautical dresses perfect for spring time. Handbags and necklaces that complement the dresses are also available from this adorable collection. The link provided below will link you directly to where the collection may be purchased online.

“To Tommy From Zooey” collection

As a mass communications major, I am obligated to try new social media platforms. It was an assignment for one of my classes to utilize Storify for one of the posts. I decided that this topic would be the best way to experiment with it since all social media sites are buzzing about Zooey’s fashion line. I enjoyed using Storify and plan on using it in the future. Enjoy!

The Buzz about “To Tommy From Zooey” Storify

The best way to enjoy looking at the collection would be to listen to none other than the talented Zooey Deschanel’s voice.


Larisa Rose

ACM 2014 Top 5 Best Dressed

Hello lovelies! Last night marked the 49th Academy of Country Music Awards. Award shows are one of my favorite types of shows to watch because of all of the unique outfits the all of the guests wear. I have compiled a gallery of who I considered to be the top 5 best dressed guests at the award show. Enjoy!

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Do you agree with the top 5 I selected? Are there any other people that you feel had an amazing outfit last night? Let me know in the comment section below!

In case you missed the award show, here is a link to the highlights of the show!

ACM Awards 2014 Highlights


Larisa Rose



The Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello lovelies!

Thank you so much for welcoming to the blogging community. I cannot express my gratitude and relief. I decided to do the Beauty Blogger Tag that I found here: I hope this allows you to get to know me a little bit better before I post more content. Currently, I have a few more posts in progress that should be posted in the near future.


1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair is naturally straight and very thick. Unfortunately, it hurts my head to have my hair in a ponytail or pinned up for too long.

2. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?

When I was in high school, I used to do box dyes at home with my friends for fun. Then, I realized how much better my hair looked whenever I professionally got my hair dyed at a salon. Currently, my hair is its natural color but it is ombréd. The tips are a honey blond color. I have not dyed my hair since August 2013. I think I am ready for a change very soon though!

A picture of my hair after dying it in August 2013.

A picture of my hair after dying it in August 2013.

3. Do you wear the same style every day, or do you change it?

As a busy college student, my hair style remains the same almost every day because it is easier to wear my hair in its natural state: down and straight. Occasionally, I mix it up with a high pony tail or cute sock bun. I hope to start attempting new hairstyles in the future because it is fairly boring unless it is an important event.

4. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?

I typically do my own mani/pedi or one of my friends assist me at one of our impromptu nail polish parties. I only go to salons on special occasions such as a formal or a wedding.

5. How often do you change your nail polish?

I do not change my nail polish too often because I am impatient when it comes to waiting for it to dry. To be honest, nail polish is not my favorite beauty product because of my impatience and lack of being ambidextrous in painting my right hand.

6. Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?

I polish my toes mostly in the springtime or summer. In the winter there is not point because my feet are always covered up by boots!

7. How long does it take for you to put on makeup?

On a typical school day, it takes me approximately 10-20 minutes to do my makeup. For a fancy occasion, it may take up to 30-45 minutes.

8. What do you do first? Face or eyes?

I always do my face first because I believe it creates a polished palette to accent. I have tried starting with my eyes first but it felt awkward.

9. Do you collect makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?

This is a tough question. Technically, I collect makeup but it is due to the fact that I always find products that I “need”. However, rest assured that all of my makeup is put to good use.

10. How often do you wear false eyelashes?

I rarely wear false eyelashes. I tend to wear false eyelashes on special occasions or when I go dancing with my friends.

11. Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?

No. I try to give my skin a break from too much makeup, especially on school days. I wear a full face of makeup for interviews, meetings, special occasions, dates, etc.

12. Do you wear makeup when you’re home alone or with family?

It depends on my mood. Some days I love experimenting with makeup regardless if I am actually leaving the house. It is a great opportunity for me to try new looks without worrying whether or not it looks fantastic on me.

13. Will you leave the house without makeup?

Yes. As much as I love makeup, I don’t believe that it is essential for every aspect of my life. For example, I will not wear makeup to the gym or if I am volunteering at a place that will get me dirty.

14. How many high-end products do you have?

The majority of my products are high-end and natural/organic. It is rare for me to find drugstore makeup that does not cause my skin to breakout. One of the only drugstore brands I can use is Physician’s Formula.

15. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you’re getting dressed?

It depends on the situation. If I wake up late on a school day, I tend to throw a few pieces together and run off to class. Other days, I try to put my OOTD out the night before so I do not have to worry about rummaging around for it in the morning. I always plan my OOTD the night before if I have a meeting or other special event occurring the next day.

16. How often do you change your handbag?

I rarely change my handbag. It is too much of a hassle to constantly switch the content out of my favorite one into another.

17. What time do you wake up and go to sleep?

I wake up around 7-8 AM every morning. I try my best to go to bed by midnight every night but my insomnia tends to keep me awake until 2 AM.

18. How often or when do you work out?

I work out at least three times a week but I wish I had the time to work out every day.

19. Left handed or right handed?

Right handed.

20. How tall are you?

I am 5’11”! It is difficult and frustrating for me to find clothes most of the time.

21. Do you speak any foreign languages?

I took Spanish for a good portion of middle school and high school. Now, I study French and plan on graduating with a French minor.

22. How many pets do you have?

I have a fabulous Beta fish named Fabio. However, I am a cat lady at heart and plan on getting one whenever I move to an apartment that allows pets.

23. How often do you post on your blog?

I do not think it is fair to ask this question considering this is my second post. Hopefully I can post at least once a week, if not more.

24. Do you read comments posted on blogs?

It depends. I always read the comments on my blog though and I appreciate every single one of you who were so welcoming to me on my first post!

25. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?

Yes. There are several products that I have my eye on. I plan on doing a haul/review here as soon as I get them. Stay tuned!

26. How did you come up with your blog name?

My blog name is my name with the word “love” in front of it because my name was already taken by another user.  I also thought it was a cute blog name.

27. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?

I use either my Canon or iPhone.

28. How often do you clean your house?

I clean my dorm room every other week.

29. What’s your favorite color?


30. Do you swear?

I try not to.

31. What are you doing with the rest of your day?

I am finishing up any homework and studying for all of my upcoming tests. To say the least, my life is not glamorous or exciting.

That concludes the Beauty Blogger Tag! Thank you so much for reading and please feel free to do the tag.


Larisa Rose

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The Beginning of My Blogging Adventure

Hello lovelies!

My name is Larisa. I am a 19 year old college student studying mass communications and French. To say I am nervous about this new adventure as a blogger is an understatement. I have always wanted to start my own blog, but I never quite developed the courage. I feared the judgment and scrutiny of online strangers. However, I decided that in 2014 I would overcome my insecurities and put myself out there. I found a mass communications class at my university that required blogging as a semester-long assignment. I knew that I could not pass up this wonderful opportunity so immediately enrolled in this class. Now, it is time for me to plunge into the world of blogging!

It was a no brainer that I wanted to create a beauty and fashion blog. Beauty and fashion are topics that I have developed a passion for over the years. I am beauty junkie who is always on the search for new products. Sadly, I also happen to have very sensitive skin. The majority of my beauty products featured on my blog are going to be natural or organic for this reason. On the bright side, these products are probably better for my skin in the long run.

In the future, my blog will consist of posts of beauty and fashion hauls, DIY beauty treatments, and product reviews. I am also creating a YouTube channel so I can incorporate video blogs into my blog. It is my intent to post at least once a week. I am so excited to start this new adventure and share my thoughts with all of you!


Larisa Rose

Dress - Forever 21 Shoes - Kohl's

Dress – Forever 21
Shoes – Kohl’s

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